I am in week 23 of my pregnancy and can't believe the rate at which my belly (and everything else) is growing. About 2 weeks ago, I began to feel the baby moving for the first time. That is such an amazing feeling and I love it! Sometimes, I can even see my belly moving, and that thrills my heart. I can't wait to see this little one! Oh, by the way, we had an ultrasound a few weeks ago, and everything looks great! If I can get to a scanner sometime soon, I will try and post some of the great pics from the ultrasound.
This past weekend Matt and I went home to see our families and celebrate my cousin Olivia's 2nd birthday. On Saturday we went swimming with Matt's sister, her husband, and their 10 month old daughter Whitney. I think we enjoyed the kiddie pool as much as Whitney did! :) It was so refreshing to just sit in the cool water and relax.
This week is going to be a busy one for us, as we are leaving on Friday for our vacation in Virginia. I have so much cleaning/organizing/laundry/packing to do before we leave! When we get back from Virginia we get to spend about 4 or 5 days in Nashville before we have to come back to Louisville. I am so excited for Matthew to have some days off from work. He has been working so hard!
We have planted a vegetable garden in our back yard, which contains tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, banana peppers, green beans, yams, sweet potatoes, and okra. Matt brought in the first fruits of our labor today, which was two jalapenos and 3 banana peppers! I need to get out there and do some weeding, but the heat and humidity keeps me in the house a lot these days :) I can't wait until we have tomatoes...there's nothing like a good BLT sandwich with home grown tomatoes!
I continue to be amazed at the Lord's goodness and mercy that He daily shows us. He continues to provide for our every need, both physically and spiritually. Some of you may know that I have struggled with being away from my family and friends in Nashville. But I know that His plans are far better for me than my own. I know that He will never leave or forsake me. And I continue to pray for patience and contentment as we seek to know His will for us.