I know. It has been way too long since I have posted here. Three months and 4 days to be exact...but who's counting? :) As many of you know, there has been a recent addition to our family since my last post. We now have an adorable, precious little girl! Ruth Anne Virginia Taylor was born on Wednesday, October 20, at 7:13 p.m., weighing 6 lb. 10 oz. and measuring 19 3/4 inches long. Labor and delivery was quite an experience for me, but I will save that (long) story for a future post.
The past 3 months have been a huge adjustment for me (is that stating the obvious?). I am still learning how to juggle all of my responsibilities as both wife and mother, and sometimes I feel like I will never get it together. There have been some unforeseeable challenges that have arisen with breastfeeding, which many times leaves me very frustrated and completely exhausted at the end of the day. I have been to see a lactation consultant several times, am taking herbal supplements along with a prescription medication in order to increase my milk supply. But my supply is still not adequate enough for Ruth Anne, and I am having to supplement with formula at every feeding. This all has left me feeling disappointed and sometimes even guilty. I was so hoping that I could exclusively breastfeed Ruth Anne for her first year of life. Sometimes I feel like I have failed her in some way...but I have to remember that God is sovereign even over my milk production. He has some purpose in this, though I may never know what that purpose is. I must trust Him, and I must believe that He is faithful. And if giving my baby formula along with breast milk is what I must do for her to grow and develop, then so be it.
And let me just say that through all of this struggle, my husband has been absolutely amazing and so supportive. If it weren't for him, I would have given up breastfeeding completely about 3 weeks ago. I am so thankful for Matthew. And he is a wonderful daddy!! I love watching him play with Ruth Anne...melts my heart every time.
Having said all of this, I love being a mother. Ruth Anne is such a sweet little girl. She is really starting to smile a lot and getting more and more animated each day. I love it when she "talks" to us...so cute! I love her more every day, and am truly thankful to our good God for giving us this incredible blessing. I can hardly believe that she will be 3 months old in a couple of weeks...time flies when you're having fun! :)
(The picture I have posted was taken on Christmas Eve at Matt's parent's house.)