Saturday, December 20, 2008

Joy to the World

Last night, we hosted a Christmas caroling party at our home. Several families from our church came, and we went to 5 or 6 houses in our neighborhood and sang Christmas carols from some little music books that my mom had ordered. It was so thrilling to me to be standing there, singing the praises of Christ in four-part harmony with about 35 others! There was one lady who, after we finished singing, burst into tears. She told us that she had been out of work for several months and was struggling to make ends meet. She was so appreciative of us coming out and singing to her. I hope she listened closely to the words we sang, words of life and hope in Jesus Christ. We prayed with her on her front porch and invited her to go to church with us. I pray that she will.

After caroling, we came back to our house and ate some finger foods and Christmas treats, and talked and laughed with one another. I always have a wonderful time when I get together with these precious friends. I'm so thankful for them, and for the precious gift of music, with which I am free to sing praises to Christ. There truly is joy in the world....all because the Lord Jesus Christ has come.


Scott Family said...

Ashley, we had so much fun! Thank you all for having us! We too pray that that lady will indeed some to church! That was so sweet. What a blessing that something so little as singing can touch hearts. We love you guys and are so thankful for you!
The Scotts :o)

Annette said...

I LOVE Christmas Caroling! It really is a fun activity and a nice way to spread the news of Jesus's birth. That is awesome you touched that lady's heart so. I hope she'll find peace and come to your church. We never know when we'll help another. Awesome story! Merry Christmas!

Tom Gabbard said...

This is another great evidence that God's word, whether spoken or sung, does not return unto Him void!