Thursday, May 6, 2010

Land of the Free?

Here is a news article that further shows how ridiculous our country is becoming. In this instance, it is the absurdity of a California public high school that tried to suspend students for wearing American flag t-shirts on Cinco de Mayo, a MEXICAN holiday. They claimed that it might "offend" the large population of Mexican-American students. Where does it end, people?


Annette said...

Wow, Wanna live in America? Then learn to show patriotism to the country in which you live. Be proud of your heritage, but don't be offended if others are proud of theirs as well just because theirs happens to be for the United States. Jeesh. Crazy how our country was founded on Christian principles and for religious and other freedoms and now WE'RE the minority and not allowed to show pride for it. That's just crazy!

Ashley said...

Exactly, Annette. And the sad part is, our government is supposed to protect our freedoms, but they are the primary ones who are slowly stripping them from us. People may think that illegal immigrants are an "enemy" of sorts...but I would suggest that we look to Washington and see just who our enemy might be.

Ben Ward said...

Woah... that comment was pretty r3VOLutionary ! :-)

Ashley said...

Well, Ben, that's what happens when you drink the kool-aid! :)