Thursday, September 9, 2010

While We Were Enemies

In light of the recent news story about burning the Quran, I wanted to give my thoughts on the subject (not that they matter much). My point of view is strictly "religious", but I will make one brief political comment here: As American citizens, Muslims have the constitutional right to practice their religion (as do Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, etc.), and individuals have the constitutional right to burn religious books. Enough said about that.

To get straight to the point, this is a pathetic example of Christianity. It's no wonder the world is confused by, fed up with, and hates Christianity and those who claim the name of Jesus (not to mention that Jesus said that we'd be hated). These "Christians" have forgotten the Gospel. They have forgotten the kinds of people that Jesus came to rescue. Jesus ate and drank in the homes of pagan, Godless people, and He loved them, healed their sick, and even forgave their sins (!).They have forgotten the kind of people they themselves were before they were converted, if indeed they are. They have forgotten that we are to love our enemies and be kind to them and share Jesus with them, no matter who they are. Yes, I know, everyone is using the "love your enemies" phrase about this whole thing. But those are not my words. Those are the words of Jesus Christ. And who could know more about loving ones enemies than Him? "For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son..." Romans 5:10. Jesus bore the sins of His enemies in His own body on the cross and suffered the wrath of Almighty God in order to save them. He loved them to the point of death. So, what are we to do in light of that? Be kind and do good to Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists. They, like everyone of us, need Jesus. And we are commanded to show Jesus to them, by our words and our actions...not by burning their holy book and telling them "If they want to have their religion, they can have it somewhere else."


Annette said...

Awesome Ashley. Wish there were a 'Like' button to push like on FB! :)

Tom Gabbard said...

Good points Ashley, this is so contrary to living Christianly in this present fallen world that has already been the scene of far too much empty profession.