Friday, September 3, 2010

Early Morning Confession

It is 5:00 in the morning, and I am wide awake. This has been happening a lot lately, probably due to the fact that it's difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position when you're belly is the size of a basketball. But I think the majority of the sleeping problem is because there is a lot on my mind lately, and it's really hard to shut it off at night and early in the morning. I can't stop thinking about this baby and everything that goes along with him/her. So many questions, so many things to think about. Will I go into labor early...or near my due date...or past my due date? Will I have to be induced? What kind of birth experience will I have? Will I really be able to do this unmedicated? Why do people keep telling me that I'll probably give in and beg for an epidural? What if I have to have a cesarean delivery? Will our baby be healthy and "normal"? Who will this precious baby look like? Will I be successful at breastfeeding? Will we be good parents?

I confess that these are questions that run through my mind every single day (and at all hours of the night...I'm even dreaming about this stuff). Sometimes I feel so out of control of it all. And I am out of control. Yes, there are things that I can do and ways I can educate myself so as to be better prepared; but the end result is not in my hands. It is in the hands of my sovereign God, the creator of all things. God has made me and designed my body to give birth. He is the one who began and is continuing to form this baby in my womb. I must trust Him. I must give these fears and anxieties to Him. It is in Him that I find a resting place, a place of peace and joy. I must daily seek His face, read His word, rest on His promises. He has commanded me to "Be still, and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10) He is God, and I am not. He is in control, and I am not.

"Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you." Psalm 116:7


Jessie Rae said...

Praying for you, my love!

Tom Gabbard said...


I can relate....not to the pregnant part of course!...but to the issue of control. It is hard for our human nature to give that up, even though, it's not really ours anyway. But, we do cause ourselves much needless grief by attempting to hold onto that which God has perfectly "under control".
We are ever learning!

Christi said...

Beautiful verse! And, it is true that however this happens for you and your family, as long as you are trusting and seeking God, it is fine! Your "plans" may change and it may not happen or work out the way you thought you wanted it to, but you're right, God IS in control and isn't that wonderful!?!? I know that God will bless you and Matt through this process and your little one too!!

lydia said...

Oh Ashley, I am completely empathizing with you on this post! There is so much unknown. Thankfully we have a good God to whom we can cling (and talk to when sleep doesn't come). I'll be praying that you can keep focusing on truth these last few weeks. God did make your body to have this baby...and He makes all things well! Love!

Unknown said...

Isn't it amazing that we can rest in the Lord's sovereignty? What comfort that is -- even when we are tempted to anxiousness.

Praying that God would give you rest! Can't wait to see your beautiful blessing!

Annette said...

Hey Ashley, I remember having those same questions/feelings with all my pregnancies. You're right, God is in control and will get you through. You CAN do it unmedicated. I didn't have epidurals and I made it through. And a C-section is not the end of the world if it means a healthy baby. Hannah was and the recovery wasn't all that bad. I'll be praying for you as you go through this next month or so! ((((HUGS))))